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            Gender identity is a sense of one’s individuality as male, female or androgynous as manifested in appearance, behavior and other aspects of a person’s life. Gender identity is influence by androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) and Klinefelter’s syndrome.

            Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a genetic condition that affects sexual development before birth and during puberty. This happen when a person who is genetically male with one X and one Y chromosomes is resistance to male hormones making him have all or some physical characteristics of a woman even though they have the genetic makeup of a man.  Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) occurs when various genetic defeats on the X chromosome making it impossible for the appearance of male characteristic.

                Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) starts in the AR genes that control the body’s ability to respond to male sex hormones. Cells cannot respond to androgens normally when there is a mutation in the AR genes, these causes a variety of effects throughout the body. For instance these people don’t develop male body part (penis, testicles...etc) or uterus or sometimes may have both males and female characteristics when they have partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS).

               In addition Klinefelter’s syndromes also influence gender identity. Klinefelter’s syndrome which was described in 1942 by Harry Klinefelter is a chromosomal complex condition of symptoms where one or more extra X chromosomes are present in most of their cells. This happens completely by chance in pregnancy of women from all ages and ethnic background.  Klinefelter only affects males, these patients have weak muscles, reduced strength, have asexual to feminine body contours, small testes but they produce no sperm, have enlargement of their breast, expose to certain health problems such as autoimmune disorders, vein diseases, osteoporosis, tooth decay, short- term memory among these patient but social adjustment is very difficult such as shyness.

               Transgender or gender identity disorder is someone who is born in the wrong gender body or someone who fully accepts a gender identity such as androgynous, intersex, bi gender and does not match his or her assigned gender role. This disorder is a clinical and medical issue since the person’s brain and everything is towards the opposite sex. Transgender behavior and identities or gender identity disorder is affected by biological factors. Genetic influences, prenatal hormone levels and early experiences in a person’s family of origin contribute to the development of transgender. This biological factor brings the development of a heterosexual, homosexual and many others. For instance, these people with this disorder dresses of the other sex; they do this to express cross-gender feelings or identities, fun, emotional comfort and sometimes sexual arousal.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.