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The Lawyer-Sociologist


               Life is plagued with so many stupid choices before you can find your way to the right one.  I guess stupid would not really be the right way to have it put, but it is the way I feel about it when I look back on what I more or less gave up on.  Two years of college lost and then add on two more years of non-college attendance and it can be put that I lost four years of my educational future.  But, what I have come to realize is that to look at it this way is not something that I feel comfortable with.  Sometimes things just don’t go the way you expect them to go and you just have to get up and move on.  So many lines that I could use to explain the way I came through my self created funk, but none of them would give it justice and it doesn’t deserve justice.


               My goals for the future lie in my desire to gain an understanding, an understand of the person and the way people interact with each other in many different social situations.  I found myself greatly interested by society, that there can be so many different ones laid inside of a greater one.  I came to the realization about two years ago that in order to reach my fulfillment or what I believed could be my place, it would be through the study of Sociology.  A class or better yet a field which has become of great interest to me, but like anything else I find that it is just my first step before reaching higher levels.  I wish to study Sociology for my bachelor’s degree but I find that what holds my interest the greats is Law.


               So, after everything you have read so far we finally get to the heart of it all, I plan to become a Lawyer-Sociologist.  I believe that will be a good title for it and that will be what my business card will say: Jerritt Naeem, Lawyer-Sociologist. Ok, Ladies and Gents here’s the full run down, finish my term at Bronx Community College, then get my Sociology degree at Hunter College and finish it off with a Law degree for either NYU, Harvard, or how about Georgetown.  Almost forgot I also plan to write the next great Science Fiction Trilogy, just because I believe I can, I have to find some way to make up for my earlier missteps. I think this will be enough, I think.


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