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             I believe that the hardest task one can ever be asked to do is the one of describing oneself. After spending many hours of  thorough unproductive critical thinking I came to realize that although what I write about me won't give you a precise picture of my past, my present, and my future,  it will at least give you a slight sense of where I am standing now and where I am going in life. I am a proud only daughter and an often over-protected "little" sister.   I am a sincere, sensible, and sensitive young woman who was born to follow her dreams and to sometimes break the rules. I am a hopeless romantic, and a particularly peculiar creative writer. I don't write distinguished poetry and I might not even get to write in metrical form as I just write whatever it's on my mind, but you can be sure that I do it with all my heart and soul. I am a hard-worker, self-assured student who will soon become a clinical psychologist.  I can be as much of a leader as I can be a follower as I believe that before becoming a leader one needs to learn how to follow. I have come to realize that at first many people get the impression of me being a quiet introverted person, and although it is true that I could often be somewhat shy, once I am taken out my shell it takes more than an army to stop me.  Bottom line is, that I am a complex and quite unique individual; I often love what most people hate and hate what most people love, and I am certain it will take more than a book for me to write about who I think I am. So for now, let's leave things here as continue to write my story everyday!



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