DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Crystal Rivas

Title: Register as an Organ Donor 

Topic: Organ Donation 

Purpose: To persuade my audience to become registered organ donors.




  • Attention-getter: On May 1, 2010, a young and healthy woman by the name of Cassandra, stepped out on to the street and was hit by a car.   Once the ER doctor told her family and I about her death, no one hesitated about donating her organs.  Two days later after her death, the donor Network called and told us that 70 people were going to live because of her donation. 
  • Audience Motivation: You or someone you know could one day be very sick and will need an organ or tissue transplant.  A registered organ donor could save your life. 
  • Credibility: I have been directly affected by the issue and have done extensive research.  I am an organ donor.
  • Thesis: To persuade my audience to register as an organ donor.
  • Preview Statement:  I will do so by looking at the problems that organ donations face,  The impact that organ donation has on lives, and  by giving you the information you need to become an organ donor.



I.    Problems with the organ donation process


A.    Lack of organ donors

1. “Because of the lack of available donors in the country 2,025 kidney patients, 1,347 livers, 458 heart patients, and 361 lung patients died in 2001 while waiting for life saving transplant” (Rupa)


B.    Many acceptable organ donors do not donate.

1.  family interference   “by signing a Uniform Donor Card, and individual indicates his or her wish to be a donor.  However, at the time of death, the persons next – of- kin will still be asked to sign  a consent form for donation.”(Rupa)


2.  Un-registered donors


[Transition] Now that I have told you about organ donation and the problems it faces, I will move on to the way that you can save many lives by registering as an organ donor.


II.  Save lives by becoming a register Donor  


A.    One person can save many lives.


1.  Based on the Organ donor.gov as of April 27, 2010, over 100,00 people are on the waiting list for a transplant. (Rupa)


B.    One person can donate to many different candidates.

1.     Liver
2.     Bone marrow
3.     Lungs heart 
4.     Skin

[Transition]Now that you are know how to person can save many lives by donating, I  tell you the actions that you can take to become an organ donor.


 III.  Three easy ways to becoming an Organ Donor.

A.  Enroll online 


1.  www.Nyhealth.gov...


B. Go directly to DMV and signing the registration form.


C. Signing the back of your state ID or drivers license




  • Summary:  There is a major need for organ donors, lives can be saved by becoming a donor, and there are different ways to register as a donor.
  • Christopher Rupe  writer of Blood and Organ Donation Patters of Trauma surgeons states, “Organ donations are critical components of modern medicine.” 
  • Refocus: Now that you have heard my speech, I hope you will become a registered donor, and save lives.  Who knows the life you save could be someone you love. 

Works Cited

RUPE, CHRISTOPHER A., et al. "Blood and Organ Donation Patterns of Trauma

      Surgeons." American Surgeon 76.3 (2010): 329-330. EBSCO. Web. 3 May 2010.


Nijkamp, Marjan D., et al. "To be(come) or not to be(come) an organ donor, that's    

      the question: a meta-analysis of determinant and intervention studies." Health

      Psychology Review 2.1 (2008): 20-40. Web. 3 May 2010.


Bryan, Christopher F., et al. "The risk for Chagas' disease in the Midwestern United

      States organ donor population is low." Clinical Transplantation 18.(2004): 12-15.

      EBSCO. Web. 4 May 2010.


Selck, F. W., P. Deb, and E. B. Grossman. "Deceased Organ Donor Characteristics and

      Clinical Interventions Associated with Organ Yield." American Journal of  

      Transplantation 8.5 (2008): 965-974. EBSCO. Web. 4 May 2010.


Townley, Stephen A. "Management of the brainstem dead organ donor:

      Pathophysiology and donor optimization." Clinical Intensive Care 16.3/4 (2005):

      137-144. EBSCO. Web. 4 May 2010.



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.