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Something differerent: the added value of ePortfolios in a language class.

I have been thinking of creating exercises using the DIGICATION platform that are different and unique in relation of the activities that I design for regular classes or online courses which use Blackboard. How is the e-portfolio platform different from Blackboard?


Something to think about:

The EPortfolio works similarly to a blog, and it is a space controlled by the student who can create his or her content.


The EPortfolio is also a space which can incorporate multimedia and photographic content, displayed with a very high quality. Media content can tell a story the same way words can, and only online platforms allow for efficient ways to display both.


The EPortfolio is your forever while blackboard goes away after the course is over. You lose all of the work you have done, while ePortfolio stores your materials & you can always update it!


The EPortfolio is a space of personal reflection, a private diary that can be utilized to create multidisciplinary and active learning. This type of learning will lead to peer-work and collaboration. For this elementary level, when we do our class work the reflection part is limited since the level of the language is too low to articulate sophisticated concepts (often labeled as reflections). For our purpose the Eportfolio will be more a "spoken ePortfolio", it will be a site that hopefully will achieve four things:

1) improve speaking and listening skills (you will practice the language more often by doing your assignments with ePortfolio)

2) built self-confidence in speaking in a foreign language


4) motivate and inspire to become high achievers by creating hypertexts.

5) give you an advantage when applying for a job or get you in the school of your choice by showing evidence of your language proficiency.





DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.