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Saarjite Baartman/

The Hottentot Venus


"Sartjee, the Hottentot Venus,

Now Exhibiting in London, Drawn from Life", c.1810


Write an essay discussing how this image may be understood as "monstrous." Be sure to use quotations and media to illustrate, explain, and persuade. Document your work with citations and hyperlinks.


Illustration Depicted

English School. "Sartjee, the Hottentot Venus, Now Exhibiting in London, Drawn

from Life" c.1810. Colored engraving. Bridgeman Art Library. Bridgeman Art Library / City of Westminster Archive Centre, London, UK, n.d. Web. 1 Feb 2011.


Works to Consider

American Anthropological Association. "Science: 1830s-1890s—Race

Science Exhibitions." UnderstandingRace. RACE. 2007. Web. 27 Jan 2011.

Qureshi, Sadiah. "Displaying Sara Baartman, the 'Hottentot Venus'." History of

Science 42 (2004): 233-257. Negri-froci-giudei. Web. 1 Feb 2011.

Thompson, Krista A. "Exhibiting 'Others' in the West." Postcolonial Studies.

Emory University. Spring 1998. Web. 27 Jan 2011.


DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.