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I have completed all of my required coursework at Bronx Community College as of Spring 2010. I did very well, and have a separate e-Portfolio for my educational courses. Feel free to look for it as a reference to help you understand what is expected.

I have completed Poetry for an English course and Environment 11 as a science. I took Earth Science last semester and was interested in rocks and minerals, even when I was much younger. Taking the class gave me the knowledge and a better understanding of our Earth and its contents. Now that I'm learning more about the environment from the course, I realize how valuable and limited our time and resources are in regards to how we live and function on Earth. It is a serious issue that we must acknowledge. What are YOU doing to help? What role do you play to protect and preserve??

Check out my page: Go Green: The Eco-friendly environment under About Me section to read my view on the Planet and the Environment.


I have always been a writer at heart from earlier in my life. Enrolling in a Poetry course at BCC has helped me develop more in my writing skills. I am able to focus more on what it is I have to say, and expressing a more vulnerable, intimate side of my writing. It is not easy, and takes practice,  but my poetry flow will become more powerful with time.

View Writing & Poetry page under About Me section.

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*I have created a separate e-Portfolio designed specifically for my major: Early Childhood & Education, which targets the teaching field and is focused on Education.                                 


Education is my major at Bronx Community College. This course is also a writing intensive in which more writing assignments are required. Dr. Powers was my instructor for EDU 10/12 and 40. He is dedicated to students learning and the field of Education. Dr. Powers is very knowledgable in his profession and I have learned so much more about becoming an Educator.


The class has covered pyschologists and theorists in relation to cognitive and childhood development. These theories are based on the foundation or model that educators and pyschologists study, learn, and apply in aspects of their field.

We are also required to start internship in childrens' settings for observation. This is an experience and opportunity to gain valuable knowledge in child observation, recording, and learn first-hand what it is like to be in a classroom with a group of children. I completed my intern at P.S. 112 in the Bronx with a kindergarten class. So far, I have completed my ECERS , which is a checklist of fundamental classroom materials. I  observed the child without judgement, monitored his milestones with appropriate checklists, and created an anecdotal record of developmental progress.


The coursework required in Ed. 10 covers General Education Principles and NCATE Standards that are necessary to professional teaching skills. We also participate in Blackboard that includes an open discussion board for the class, ability to post and access assignments, and communicate with Prof. Powers. I've learned about several Theorists and Theories from different Psychologists who have extensively studied stages of human development.


Link to: learn more about theorists such as Montessori, Bllom, and Freud!


Assignment 1: Expectations Essay

My Expectations As An Educational Intern

            This will be my first time at an internship to observe children in a classroom environment, and I am excited to remember what it’s like to be inside of a kindergarten classroom again! I expect to see and hear children interacting with each other and their teacher. There might be children crying or sitting by themselves at a table. A daily schedule that outlines the children’s day in school should also be in the class. I may see a sign-in sheet.

I expect the classroom environment to be very colorful and busy; adorned with alphabet and number trains, blocks of all colors, shapes and sizes, calendars for identifying days of the week/months in a year, and various charts for songs and circle-time learning. There might be a sink for washing hands, a chalkboard with plenty of chalk, or a dry-erase board with markers. I may see a list of students’ names posted on a wall marked by bold stars and stickers of achievement. I expect to see many different crafts, books, children’s various papers, and artwork made with crayons, glitter or paint.

 The classroom may have a teacher’s desk or an area filled with materials pertaining to his/her lesson plan for the day, workbooks for children and flash cards.  There may be several tables and chairs most likely made of durable plastic instead of wood to prevent splinters on little fingers and legs. I might see name plates taped on top of desks, pushed together or in separate rows. Some tables may be rounded to prevent sharp edges from causing injury to children. I expect to find cubbies or closets containing children’s belongings, and sufficient supplies such as glue, crayons, markers, pencils, papers, sharpeners, scissors and other appropriate crafts for children to access while the more dangerous materials are out of children’s reach.

            The classroom should have several visual areas displaying various charts for learning numbers, colors, letters and other subjects. There may be just one large rug or several carpeted areas throughout the classroom to serve the purpose for circle-time, library areas or other interest areas. These areas are intended for its specific use so children know where to go for a particular interest. I expect interest areas to be easily found and appropriately labeled for children to explore. I should see at least six interest areas consisting of Dramatic Play, Art, Science, Math, Writing and Library. The classroom should also reflect a multi-cultural theme for children to have a sense of identity and familiarity. I should see a variety of dolls and toys intended for both boys and girls. I might see a boy in the pretend kitchen area playing house, or a girl proudly wearing a cowboy or fireman hat.

             My expectations of the classroom environment should reflect children’s interests of enhancing creativity and learning. Children’s classroom should be exciting, provide visual stimulation and foster childhood development. All of my senses will be alert during the period of 10 weeks of observation. I embrace this opportunity not only with expectations of a classroom environment but also with a greater understanding of the learning process in relation to child observations.


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