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ePortfolio Thresholds


ePortfolios offer a framework within which students can personalize their learning experiences, and create different representations of themselves and their learning which is tailored to specific audiences for different purposes.  This more reflective and holistic approach to documenting what one knows, understands, and is able to do, promotes intentional learning and the opportunity for the learner to illustrate the complexity of their identity as they integrate their knowledge from various places.  Learners are able to make connections between their various learning experiences (academic, workplace, and community) as they develop an integrated sense of themselves through their interactions with the world, rather than just simply being able to answer a question on an exam in one learning context.  (Penny Light et.al, ch.1)  Instead, this approach of documenting learning allows the ePortfolio author to identify and address the ways that they have integrated knowledge across domains for transformative learning.


Why Document Learning Today?


  • New technologies are pushing boundaries for learners
  • In a globalized world, information is everywhere
  • An increasing need for analysis and critical thinking skills
  • Students need to learn ways to assess the information available and we need to assess whether they are developing those abilities
  • Need ways to help learners to “make connections” and demonstrate their knowledge
    • Reflection and Action!
    • New context requires documentation of outcomes
  • ePortfolios provide authentic evidence of quality (formal/informal assessment of learning)
DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.