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Conference on First Year Experience and ePortfolios:

“Threshold to Threshold: ePortfolio and Active Learning from the First Year to Transfer.”

 Friday, October 12, 2012, 8:30am-3pm

Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Bronx Community College, CUNY


The Center for Teaching Learning and Technology at Bronx Community College, CUNY, will host a conference on Friday, October 12, 2012, centered on the theme of developing First Year Experience programs that effectively prepare students for academic success and eventual transfer from community colleges to four year colleges.  Drawing upon the recent establishment of a new First Year Seminar at Bronx Community College, the conference will raise key questions, and provide opportunity for exchange of ideas and experiences, among faculty, staff and administration engaged with First Year programs. We expect sessions to explore the dimensions of first-year programming which have the strongest impact on students’ preparedness and learning, and which help strengthen academic performance and persistence to successful transfer and degree completion.  We especially invite presentations centered on innovative pedagogical approaches, including the integration of ePortfolios as a catalyst for fostering student ownership and identity.


The conference will address issues of concern to First Year Experience courses, ePortfolio integration, assessment and transfer. We welcome proposals for presentations on any related topic. The conference format will include presentations and roundtable discussions.  



To submit a presentation proposal, please send a 3-5 line abstract and a proposal of no more than 100 words, including the presenter(s) name and college affiliation. Panel presentations which include staff, part-time faculty and student presenters are also welcome. Individual presentations will be roughly 25 minutes in length. Presenters may be assigned to panels. The deadline for submission is October 1, 2012. Please submit proposals via email to:

Prof. Jordi Getman-Eraso: jordi.getman@bcc.cuny.edu and to

Prof. Howard Wach: howard.wach@bcc.cuny.edu


We look forward to seeing you on October 12th!

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